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Background checks are a necessary step in the hiring process. With that in mind, hiring managers need to start preparing for Gen Z workers – the next generation of workers to enter the job market. Gen Zers, colloquially known as ‘zoomers’, are those born between 1996 and 2012. According to the U.S Census Bureau, 20% of the U.S workforce will be workers from this generation in the next two years. That accounts for approximately 61 million people.

This new generation of young workers are different from Millennials or Generation X. They are better at multitasking, more competitive, more entrepreneurial, and extremely reliant on technology. As more and more Gen Z candidates are about to enter the workforce, it’s important to change how our Florida background screening process works for them.

What information is relevant? How do you make sure that they can’t be discriminated against based on their digital footprint? This article will discuss how you can adjust your hiring practices to accommodate the Gen Z workforce.

Adopt a mobile background screening process.

Gen Zers are the true digital natives, so they have been living in a world of free WiFi and smartphones for as long as they can remember. You can expect that everything they do involves their phones. For technology-savvy candidates, are more likely to go to a company that conducts mobile-friendly employee background checks in Florida. 

Focus on social media screening.

Gen Zers are more likely to have profiles on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. What does this mean for employers? It means that they have grown up with a digital footprint. No matter what platform they’re on, these sites will provide information about their education, work history, and even personal interests. When considering employee background checks in Florida, it may be important to make sure that all their social media information is looked at.

Employers also need to keep in mind that with this generation, there is a culture of oversharing. While it is an employer’s prerogative to give second chances and not discriminate based on their digital footprint, you still would want to look into hiring someone who has a history of racist or intolerant posts, explicit content, and potentially violent posts.

Make some changes in your interview process.

With younger candidates, it’s important to be aware of their personalities and how they think. With more competition, these candidates are not likely to be complacent or accepting of a single opportunity for long and will instead seek out multiple opportunities at once. With that in mind, it’s important to make sure that the interview process is accommodating enough for these candidates.


The job market is changing, and Gen Zers are the future of labor. With that in mind, employers need to figure out how they can make their hiring process more accommodating for Gen Z candidates. If you’re looking for a partner to help you with your Florida background screening for Gen Z candidates, make sure to find an expert who can provide customized screening solutions for your business.