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The holidays are coming, and many remote workers today are anticipating their annual holiday party. After all, a brilliant Christmas party is one of the ways a company can make all employees engaged and motivated. According to studies, happy employees are up to 20% more productive than unhappy employees. Among the benefits of a work Christmas party are:

  • It improves team morale.
  • It’s an opportunity to thank and reward everyone for their hard work.
  • It encourages better work relationships.
  • It engages and motivates employees.
  • It’s an opportunity for senior management to get personal with everyone.

Due to the pandemic, however, holding a workplace Christmas party right now may not seem practical for many. Luckily, there are ingenious ways to hold a remote work party that everyone will love.

Here are five creative ideas to have the best remote work party this Christmas.

1. Virtual Christmas Game Night

Games are undoubtedly what makes a workplace Christmas party fun. Everyone can gather around through a professionally planned video conference. Even if it’s done virtually, employees can make memories, laugh, and most importantly bond through exciting virtual games such as trivia, drawing games, charades, and more.

2. Wine Tasting and Entertainment Night

You can have a holiday box with wines paired with cheeses to make the virtual Christmas party festive! So, when it’s party time, you all have a glass of wine to toast with. Although, it’s important to drink responsibly considering everyone’s at home and there’s no security to hold everyone back. This is why at the very beginning of the event, leadership should caution everyone about over indulging before any embarrassments have a chance to occur.

3. Send a Gift Box

Virtual events with actual tangible treats are the perfect combination of a great remote Christmas party. Everyone loves to be surprised with any treats, perks, and goodies. Pack up a gift box filled with some delightful treats or holiday-themed goodies. When everyone gets the gift box, the virtual Christmas party is going to be a memorable experience for everyone.

4. Send an e-Gift

Taking the physical distancing seriously? Why not send an e-Gift instead! It’s a great way to reward and appreciate everyone’s hard work. Just have a list of emails and you can easily deliver the right present in just one click. It’s stress-free too!

5. Virtual Secret Santa Gift Exchange

Who doesn’t want to discover a mystery during the holidays? Hold a virtual Secret Santa Exchange so everyone can still experience guessing the identity of their Secret Santa while waiting for their gifts. 

In times like this, celebrating small wins especially in the workplace is important and builds community and culture within your organization. Despite the distance, everyone can still bond and have fun. Have fun and enjoy the holidays while letting those that are part of your life and organization know how much you appreciate them.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!!