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employment background screening company

“Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for the love of it.”

You have an idea for a great product or service. Thinking of starting a business is easy. The hard part comes when you execute the business and offer it to the market. One of the things that can make or break a business are its employees. They are the true assets of any organization and can contribute effectively to the growth of the company. 

In our modern world, quality employees are either already working for a big company or waiting to be hired by a big company. If you are a startup company and just starting to be known in the industry, it is important to do proper research on methods and strategies you will use in your hiring process. Having an employment background screening company to guide you can be the best option. This is the key to hiring the best employees for your organization as employees are the backbone of the company, thus making sure you hire the right person and best fit for your organization is crucial.

Here is a list of the step-by-step process in hiring employees for your company:

1. Identify the positions you need to fill

The first important task in the hiring process is knowing what positions are needed in the company. Do you really need to hire two assistants? Identifying the needed positions before starting the hiring process can greatly help in screening potential candidates and determining the most qualified individual as well as a target salary range.

2. Determine your recruiting strategy

Nowadays, there are numerous ways and strategies to use in recruiting the best employees for your company. Will you be the one doing all the posting and screening of applicants? Or will you hire a recruitment firm to find potential candidates and do the initial screening? This depends on how you want to take control of the recruiting process but there is a pre-employment background check company that can do that portion on your behalf.

If you opt to do all the postings, there are many online career websites to advertise the job openings of your company. There are free websites available but if you want to widen your search, opt for a paid online career classification. One of the most useful and effective websites you can use for free is LinkedIn. It is a great community to find professionals and potential employees alike.

You also need to find a pre-employment background check company to make sure that the employees you hire do not pose a potential threat to the company.

3. Write down the detailed roles and responsibilities for each position

The best way to attract the right employees is to write a detailed description for each job position. A clear and detailed description of the roles and responsibilities can help in filtering the most qualified candidates from the unfit candidates for the position.

Make sure that the role listing is matched with what is needed and not only for the sake of writing a job description. Be specific and do not use vague and generic terms if possible. Also, determine the specific skills and experience needed so potential candidates can get a good idea of what the position entails.

4. Post the listing and screen applicants

When you have posted your job description on career websites and job boards, there is a possibility that you will receive a multitude of resumes. But if you have a clear description of the job position, it is easier to sift through them and pick out the most qualified. 

Don’t get overwhelmed with candidates that have exceptional skills and experience but are not related to the position. You also need to watch out for overqualified applicants for the position. Remember: You need to match the candidates with the position and not the other way around.

There are also times that you can find the right candidates for the job but there are fifty or more of them. Thus, you can’t possibly conduct an interview for all of them, so you need to determine the best candidates. Rule out any possibilities on why they are not the best ones for the position. You can probably seek the help of an employment background screening company to rule out any candidates who show significant red flags but it is likely best to wait until you have identified a few candidates that you think are good fits prior to screening them.

5. Conduct interviews for the qualified applicants

Once the initial sorting of qualifications and experience is done, you will have the list of qualified applicants ready to be interviewed. The first thing to do is to schedule the interview. Make sure that the candidates are well informed about the job position to assure that they are perfect for the position. Traditionally, a candidate needs to appear in the office for the interview. However, virtual interviews have become more common and a safe way for both candidates and interviewers to make sure that both have a stable internet connection to avoid problems.

Also, make sure that all the persons involved in the interview are available in the stipulated time and date since a delay in the interview could potentially lose a potential hire.

6. Finalize paperwork for job offer

After conducting the interviews, you have probably determined the best candidate(s) fit for the position and company. You probably think that your work is done, and all that is left is giving him/her the offer and that’s the end. Sorry to burst your bubble but this part is usually the most critical part of the hiring process. Skilled and experienced employees are somewhat selective and may only go for the best offer. Thus, make sure that you give a competitive job offer and list all available benefits they might qualify for. If not done correctly, potential hires may refuse or lose interest, and you could have to start the lengthy hiring process all over again.

7. Conduct a proper background check

The candidate you hired probably accepted the job offer and you’re probably celebrating with a glass of wine for a job well done. However, you still need to do a final step in making sure that there are no significant red flags before you bring the new employee to the company. Comprehensive background screening for new employees is important to companies of all sizes since having a bad hire could potentially damage the company rather than help it grow or thrive.

Edge Information is a reliable international provider of comprehensive employment background screening for companies in different industries. They also provide a stand-alone software environment that may help your organization in doing background screening. Edge’s employment screening solution could be a valuable investment in your hiring process. Do not allow bad hires to cost you and your organization lost time and productivity. Contact Edge now!