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When you’re interviewing a potential employee, skipping the background check is a scary proposition! It’s important to screen potential hires in order to protect your employees and the reputation of your business.

These 5 statistics are scary enough to convince anyone that it’s necessary to use background checks as part of the hiring process.

  • According to Business Week 16% of executive resumes contain false academic claims and/or material omissions relating to educational experience.
    • As an employer you should get what you’re paying for in an employee! It’s important to run a thorough background check that includes an education and license verification search to establish the accuracy and credibility of information provided by a potential employee.
  • The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that the average cost of a bad hiring decision can equal 30% of the first year’s potential earnings.
    • There’s nothing spookier than a bad hire! In the long run the cost of running a background check has the potential to save an employer thousands of dollars.
  • According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners in 36.2% of occupational fraud cases, the victim organization did not recover any losses.
    • Dealing with fraud is an unfortunate reality in many industries. An in-depth background check is imperative to protect your business from a potential fraudster!
  • More than 70% of substance abusers hold jobs; one worker in four, ages 18 to 34, used drugs in the past year; and one in three knows of drug sales in the workplace according to the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.
    • Drug use in the workplace can put your employees at risk and open your business up to a slew of liability issues. A simple pre-employment drug screening process is an easy way to keep drugs out of the workplace.
  • According to the Bureau of Justice – workplace violence accounts for 18% of all violent crime.
    • An incident and violence in the workplace is an employer’s worst nightmare! Fortunately a properly conducted background check can reveal any past incidents in a potential hire’s history.

We know that these statistics are frightening, but with the solutions provided by Edge Information Management you can shield your business from ending up with a scary employee.

Happy Halloween!!