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Close-up Of Person Hand Filling Criminal Background Check Application Form

Because of today’s economic climate, many businesses are reluctant to use permanent employees to fill necessary positions. Instead, they are looking to meet immediate headcounts with temporary or contingent workers. In fact, a study by Intuit states that 40 percent of the workforce in the U.S. will be made up of temporary workers by the year 2020. Did you know that studies also show that three-quarters of today’s employers conduct background checks during the hiring process?

This rise in demand for temporary workers means that smaller staffing companies in Florida must do what they can to gain market share and keep up with larger firms. A great tactic to start with is performing comprehensive background screening on your applicants to increase the quality of your contingent workers. Larger agencies already do this and business staffing solutions can help your small staffing agency to compete. Not only this, but background checks also allow you to protect your clients and your own reputation.

Still unsure? The following benefits might help you change your mind:

Discover Applicant Inaccuracies

Applicants lie on their resumes more than you think. According to a study done by the Society of Human Resources Management in 2003, more than 50 percent of all job applications are inaccurate. It’s imperative to have a background check program in place to verify educational and employment histories, as well as any history of criminal charges. Background screening can help you detect a history of unethical activity or abuse, even if an applicant tries to hide it.

Avoid Workplace Criminal Activity and Safety Issues 

Without a background screening, staffing companies in Florida increase the risk of hiring individuals with a shady past. When you use business staffing solutions, you have a better chance of discovering an individual’s history of criminal activity, sexual abuse, or financial wrongdoing. Once you know, you can avoid hiring those with a negative history to provide a safe and ethical work environment to your clients.

Avoid Negligent Hiring Suits 

Negligent hiring suit settlements are expensive, about $1 million on average according to the Society of Human Resources Management. These cases arise when a worker causes injury or harm while on the clock and your agency should have “reasonably known” that the person wasn’t qualified for the position. With a background check, you can be sure that your applicant doesn’t pose a risk to your client’s business.

Protect Your Reputation and Create Better Relationships with Clients 

If you provide your clients, who look to you for skilled workers, with unvetted applicants who cannot perform their job duties, those clients are likely to pass the word along. To protect your brand and foster a good long-term relationship with each client, it’s important to subject applicants to a comprehensive background check that’s fitting for their level of exposure and responsibility.

Each temporary worker you provide represents your brand, professional insight, and experience. Why wouldn’t you take the time to be sure they’re putting your best face forward?

As employers seek contingent and temporary labor to meet their immediate staffing needs, it’s imperative that your agency meet that demand with a crop of properly screened workers. Let Edge Information perform the screenings you need to compete with larger firms and grow your business.